Extended Reality Glasses in Chronic Wound Monitoring
Digital technology is already immensely integrated within health care, but new innovations in this space could result in unconventional opportunities to improve patient outcomes

Cardiac Drones: Emergency Drone Delivery for Cardiac Patients using Smart Watch
The advancement of AI and wearable IOT has revolutionize the area of medical diagnostics, especially diagnostics of cardiac arrhythmia

AI in Digital Pathology: Telling which is which in adenocarcinoma
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the field of healthcare, and digital pathology is no exception. With the ability to analyze vast amounts of data

Digital Pathology using Raspberry Pi
Precise diagnosis is very crucial in managing patient’s disease. It influences what course of treatment is needed by the patient

New trends in Pathology (Part 2)
Now we come to the most interesting part, the device and approach that has turned the idea of the possibilities of work in clinical pathology

New trends in Pathology (Part 1)
Many definitions of «Digital pathology» can be found in articles and official societies, but each one is right and wrong at the same time. Some are too concise and do not allow you to see the full picture behind them

Making a VR (Virtual Reality) Hypoglycemia sequence for medical training
Extended Reality has revolutionized training and education in numerous ways, which includes medical training as well. Virtual Reality in general nursing education is quite efficient. Without putting patients in danger

Drones can be used in Healthcare to save lives!
Cellular-supported drones (running with SIM card running with 4G LTE or 5G) give us much more capable drone control in remote areas and increase the chances of reaching far distances without the fear of losing the connection between the operator and the drone itself

The potentials of digital health in wound management.
Wound management requires multidisciplinary approach to be able to promote good healing of the patient’s wound. It encompasses nursing, surgical, and medical care together with wound managers.